

Culture and Tourism

Social Role

  • Culture and Tourism
  • History/Culture
  • Baudeogi
  • 만나이 안내 새창열림
  • 본문인쇄
  • 트위터 공유 새창열림
  • 페이스북 공유 새창열림
  • 카카오스토리 공유 새창열림
  • 카카오톡 공유 새창열림
  • 밴드 공유 새창열림

Namsadang Baudeogi introduced social changes

Namsadang Baudeogi Dancing

Namsadang toured marketplaces nationwide,
raising the people’s awareness to social irregularities and then conducting revolutionary activities.

Namsadang, through the performances that were full of humor and criticism, satarized social improprieties and irregularities, thus allowing oppressed grassroots in the late Joseon period to vent their complaints and initiate social changes.

Furthermore, Baudeogi promoted the play culture, then deemed as vulgar, to the level of performing arts and established it as part of pop culture.

Overcoming the limitations of being a woman, which was at a lower status than a servant, amid the social atmosphere of revering men while despising women, she created pop entertainment culture and inspired people.