The Anseong Matchum Namsadang ‘Baudeogi Festival’ is one of the major Korean ‘traditional festivals’
Anseong is home to Namsadang of Joseon, and is the center of South Korea's popular culture. The Anseong Matchum Namsadang Baudeogi Festival was launched in 2001 to commemorate and develop the artistic spirit of Baudeogi in the Namsadang nori performance culture.
Since 2006, the Baudeogi Festival has been designated as an official festival by UNESCO's official advisory organization, CIOFF®., As such, it has been established as a Korean yet global festival using Korean traditional subject matter.
In the prime of autumn, one can enjoy the amusing Baudeogi Festival.
- From the Anseong Matchum Namsadang Baudeogi Festival Committee -